When, I was in college I always wondered,
'Is my degree going to take me where I want to go?'
The answer was simple and lied in believing the power of a dream. The strength of a single dream can transform your life. The realization hit me when I had finally managed to move to Chennai to pursue my dream and got myself enrolled as an adult music beginner at the KM Music Conservatory.
Little did I know that I was already on my path to a life changing experience destined to encounter many more students who dared to dream like me, without worrying about what was in store for them in the present moment.
Also, thanking his parents for being so supportive of his dream which he has as a child. Upon being asked about his idol, he says that he adores 'Itzhak Pearlman' & wants to be a soloist like him. In India, I can vouch that it is not very common to know the names of solo instrumentalists, from the western world. And the fact that this student idolizes one of the greatest violinists goes to show how much he has transformed while studying under our flagship program. In the last 7 years, there has not been a moment where he has been isolated from music.
Making the most out of this opportunity and practicing for almost 4 to 5 hours everyday, he wishes that someday in the near future he can make his teachers and the foundation proud for having selected him for this course. He often heard quoting his idol Itzhak Pearlman "Never miss an opportunity to teach because when you teach others, you teach yourself".
And today as a part of the outreach program of the A R Rahman foundation he is currently teaching at the Cariappa school students to play string instrument while pursuing his studies under Srhinivas Murthy and a Bachelors of commerce degree. Having shared his story filled with hope and dreams, on behalf of our foundation, I wish Vignesh all the very best for his future aspirations and would like to congratulate him on making the foundation proud through his dedication to music.
- Vidhi G Bhanushali
Manager - Sponsorship and Grant.
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